To trust someone and to get someones trust, to love someone and to have someone to love you. All of these things are included in the long list of emotions and connections we share with our loved ones, those we once did not know. 
Then how come is it that we developed such great bonds of fraternity with them. How did these loved ones really become our”loved ones”? 

Was it the decision to “give” trust to them made it easy for us to trust them? Does our “choice” of loving the particular person ultimately leads us to love them? In short are we who choose to love and trust? 

Well the answer is no. A big fat NO.

We do not choose to love certain people and to dislike others. It is on the other hand THEY who do the magic. How? Just by being themselves and simply pushing us to feel that way for them. All those with their happy, joyful nature, with their positiveness and hopefulness makes it easier for us to open to them with love and care. It is the behavior of the other person for which we develop ties with them. It is by far they’re behavior that pushes you to trust them. 

Love and trust aren’t sold out, they’re earned through the good you have in you.

Hey, who just read this, if you are loved, and trusted, know you are good. Not flawless, not perfect, but good. 

And if you feel like you’re not trusted and loved. Know people can’t choose to do that with you. No matter how hard you try. Let the brighter side overlap the darker ( we all have a dark side, even i do too) and see how you do the magic for earning someones love and trust. 
Stay positive!

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